Thomas Buckner

The market's there!
Why not take advantage of it?

By: Thomas Buckner, Senior Editor, National Online Review

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Most people searching the net in hopes of finding new business ideas are bombarded with everything from high price franchises, direct sales opportunities, and the notorious marketing strategies.

But now, there appears to be a new player on the market. Joel Davis, author of "How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company," is offering a bright new and very lucrative money making opportunity. Through his popular ebook, Joel is teaching average people how to economically start and build a profitable non-emergency transportation service.

What is a non-emergency transportation service? Unlike an ambulance service, a non-emergency transportation service specializes in providing assisted transportation, typically utilizing wheelchairs and stretchers. As you can imagine, such businesses provide critical service to hospitals, medical facilities, nursing homes, and ordinary wheelchair bound citizens needing to get to and from medical appointment.

You don’t need to work for the US Census Bureau to know that the US elderly population is exploding. Nor do you need to work in the medical field to know that non-emergency transportation services are in high demand. Led by the Baby Boomers, the elderly population is the fastest growing market in America. And as this market continues to multiply into the foreseeable future so will the need for non-emergency transportation.

For serious investors and entrepreneurs, the elderly population is a market to be taken seriously. Regardless of the type of business, anything affiliated with helping to meet the elderly population’s needs should be considered a worthy investment. Their presence, numbers, diversity, and needs are simply too great to ignore.

Million Dollar e-Book "How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company" is an outstanding resource helping average people, without prior experience, to invest into this growing and lasting market. From start to finish, this ebook is easily one of the best "How to" resources available. Unlike pricey franchises, Joel does a great job explaining how to start a non-emergency transportation business very economically.

Surprisingly, unlike an ambulance service, very little training and equipment is required, hence the reason why a non-emergency transportation service can be such a convenient and cost effective investment for any motivated entrepreneur.

In clear and succinct detail, Joel outlines how to start with one vehicle and systematically grow a non-emergency transportation service into a highly profitable business – one in which the government reimburses for transportation services.
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Through the Department of Social Services, non-emergency transportation providers are reimbursed for transporting Medicaid patients. Although the amount in reimbursement may vary depending on state and county, as Joel says, "It’s money in the bank because it comes from the government each and every month."

Although his ebook and dispatching software, Dispatching Made Easy, are helping new and experienced entrepreneurs all over the country and in Canada, Joel continues to own and operate his own non-emergency transportation service in southern New York. He hasn’t abandoned his lucrative offline business for online ventures. When asked why, he explains "Because it still makes me money!"

The response and feedback to "How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company" has been nothing short of phenomenal. As one satisfied clients explains "The course is dead on as far as what to expect in this industry and Joel’s ideas, practices and systems are a major asset to establishing and growing your transportation business. I would recommend this course to anyone who is looking to start up or just fine tune their existing business." Needless to say, such sentiments are common place in regards to this quality ebook.

Joel continues to host multiple annual Million Dollar Seminars and conduct private coaching sessions for clients from all over the country. These events are great opportunities for serious entrepreneurs to meet with Joel and learn first hand strategies for "How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company." The market’s there. Why not take advantage of it?

Thomas Buckner, Senior Editor, National Online Review, can be contacted at

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